Customizing the Sending Domain of Maintenance Reports in WP Umbrella

Did you know you can personalize the sending domain of your maintenance reports in WP Umbrella? Instead of using the default, you can set it to use your own domain!

This tutorial will guide you on how to make this customization and what records you need to add to your DNS provider to make it happen.

Ready to dig in? Let's get started!

Estimated Time of Completion: 10 minutes

Prerequisites: A WordPress site with WP Umbrella installed and access to your DNS provider settings + the time for your DNS to propagate.

Step 1: Navigate to Custom Sending Domain

To add a custom sending domain, head over to WP Umbrella's Account Settings >> White label >> Custom Sending Domain.

Step 2: Authenticate Your Domain

From here, you'll need to authenticate your domain. This is crucial as it allows WP Umbrella to sign and send email messages on behalf of your domain. To set up basic authentication you’ll need to add some DNS records at your DNS hosting provider for any domain you wish to send from using your WP Umbrella account:

  • MX Records: Two MX records are necessary for delivering email to your domain. MX (Mail Exchange) records identify which mail servers accept incoming email for your domain.
  • SPF Record: One TXT record that allows WP Umbrella to sign emails sent on your behalf. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records identify which IP addresses are allowed to send email using your domain.
  • DKIM Record: One TXT record that allows WP Umbrella to sign emails sent on your behalf. DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) signatures ensure that the message that arrives at the inbox provider is identical to the message that you sent.

If you don't know how to edit your DNS records, you'll find specific instructions on how to edit your DNS based on your provider in the following guides:

Step 3: Verify Your Domain

Once you've added the necessary records at your DNS host and they've had time to propagate, return to the custom sending domain page and click the Verify domain button. WP Umbrella will verify that the records are in place.

  • It sometimes take more than 48hours for your new DNS to be propagated by your hosting provider. Thus, you will not be able to verify your domain straightaway after your edit your DNS.

Step 4 : replace by your domain

After successfully adding and verifying your domain, you can select your custom sending domain from your Account >> White Label >> Maintenance Report. This will replace the default sending domain ( with your own domain.


From time to time, you will not be able to add your sending domain to WP Umbrella. This error is happening because your domain is already registered on Mailgun. Please contact us at in such situation.


And there you have it! You've now customized your sending domain for your maintenance reports in WP Umbrella. This personalized touch makes your communications more consistent and professional. Keep up the good work! 👏

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