Htpasswd Detection on Flywheel Staging and Pre-prod for WP Umbrella

Struggling with htpasswd not being detected on your Flywheel staging or pre-prod environments? 🤔 That's because Flywheel handles htpasswd a bit differently than other hosting providers, and we might not know the exact directory where your htpasswd is stored. But fear not, we've got a handy solution!

Prerequisite: a website hosted on Flywheel protected by htpasswd, where WP Umbrella is installed.

Completion time: 5 minutes.

Steps to Follow 🚀

Understanding the htpasswd Issue with Flywheel Staging and Pre-prod 🎯

Flywheel's unique approach for handling htpasswd can sometimes lead to issues with detecting the location of your htpasswd file in staging and pre-prod environments. But don't worry! We have a simple fix ready for you. 🛠️

Forcing htpasswd Detection with a PHP Filter in Staging and Pre-prod Environments 💡

By adding a PHP filter, we can force the detection of htpasswd. Simply add the following line of code to your theme's functions.php file:

add_filter('wp_umbrella_has_htpasswd', '__return_true');

This small line of code effectively lets WP Umbrella know that there's an htpasswd file in place, even if its exact location isn't detected.

Conclusion 🎉

There you have it! With that tweak, you've successfully forced htpasswd detection on your Flywheel staging and pre-prod environments. But if you're still facing any issues, don't hesitate to reach out - we're here to assist! 🚀

Remember, we're always here to help you get the most out of WP Umbrella, even in your staging and pre-prod environments.

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