Defining a User for the 1-Click Admin Feature in WP Umbrella: A Quick Guide

Enjoy seamless management of your WP Umbrella account with the 1-Click Admin feature! This feature allows you to specify a user for easy access and control. Let's dive into how to set this up!

Estimated Time of Completion: 2 minutes.

Prerequisites: A WordPress site with WP Umbrella installed and an account on WP Umbrella.

Steps to Follow 🚀

Step 1: Navigate to Your Website

To start, simply click on the name of your website. You'll be directed to your site's dashboard.

Step 2: Go to the Settings Tab

Next, click on the Settings tab. You'll see a range of settings and options to customize your WP Umbrella experience.

Step 3: Update the WordPress User Admin

Scroll down to the "WordPress User Admin" section. Here, you can select your preferred user.

Don't forget to click "Update Settings" to save your changes!


Not All Users Appear on This List

If you want to select a user that doesn't appear on this list, no worries! By default, we fetch only 10 accounts from WordPress, however, if you have more than 10 users, you might not be able to see the desired user. In such a case, by adding a quick filter to the website, you would be able to display more of your users and select the user you need.

To add a filter, navigate to the WP-Admin page -> Appearance -> Theme FIle Editor and open the functions.php file for editing. In this file, at the bottom, add the following filter:

add_filter('wp_umbrella_get_params_users_number', function(){
return 20;

With the code above, 20 users will be shown, but if you want more users to be displayed, simply change this number to the desired one.

Conclusion 🎉

And that's it! You've successfully defined a user for the 1-Click Admin feature. Now, managing your WP Umbrella account is just a click away. Happy managing!

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