How to Activate the PHP ZipArchive Class on O2Switch for Website Backup

WP Umbrella uses the PHP ZipArchive class for website backup. This extension transparently reads or writes ZIP compressed archives and the files inside them. This guide will help you activate the ZipArchive class on your O2Switch account.

Estimated Time of Completion: 2 minutes.

Prerequisites: Website hosted on O2Switch, Access to your O2Switch account.

Your Step-by-Step Guide 👣

Accessing PHP Version Selector

  1. Go to your O2Switch account and look for Select a PHP version.

Activating the ZipArchive Module

  1. Scroll down until you find the "zip" option. Tick the checkbox next to it to activate the ZipArchive class.

Conclusion 🎉

That's it! The ZipArchive module has been activated on your server, and the backups should now function correctly. Remember to reach out to WP Umbrella's support if you face any issues during the setup process or while using WP Umbrella.

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