How to Bulk Update WordPress Core Using WP Umbrella

Managing several WordPress sites can be quite a task, especially when it comes to keeping them up-to-date. But worry not! WP Umbrella offers a handy feature that allows you to safely update the WordPress core of multiple sites in one fell swoop, saving you a lot of time and effort. In this guide, we'll walk you through this process step by step.

Estimated Time of Completion: 5 minutes

Prerequisites: Active WP Umbrella account and multiple WordPress websites added to your account

Steps to Follow 🚀

Before updating WordPress it's always a good idea to download your last backup available and check its content. 👍

Accessing the Bulk Actions Feature 🎯

First, you'll need to open the WP Umbrella application. After logging in, you'll find a feature labeled "Bulk Actions" in the main navigation. Click on this to proceed.

Selecting WordPress Core and Websites for Update 💻

With the "Bulk Actions" feature now open, you'll find a sub-section labeled "WordPress Core". Click on this to bring up a list of all the websites currently added to your WP Umbrella account. Simply select all the websites you wish to update.

Performing the Bulk Update 🔄

Now that you've selected the websites you want to update, click on the "Update" button. WP Umbrella will then proceed to update the WordPress core of all the selected websites. You can monitor the progress directly within the application.

Conclusion 🎉

Congratulations! You've successfully updated the WordPress core of multiple websites using WP Umbrella's Bulk Actions feature. It's a simple and convenient solution that ensures all your sites stay up-to-date, boosting their security and performance.

Remember, if you ever encounter any difficulties or have questions, WP Umbrella's support team is always here to help. Enjoy a smoother, more efficient WordPress management experience with WP Umbrella!

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